VEGESUIKA LABO extracts natural ingredient containing citrulline in high concentrations from watermelon using the latest technologies, and supplies as raw material and offers products.

VEGESUIKA LABO extracts natural ingredient containing citrulline in high concentrations from watermelon using the latest technologies, and supplies as raw material and offers products.


Examples of Commercialized ProductsCase

Hot Citrul
For women sensitive to cold
  • ほっとシトル
  • Raw materials Pineapple fruit juice, honey, brown sugar syrup (brown sugar, raw sugar, and liquid glucose), lemon juice, and watermelon fruit extract (contains citrulline)
    Manufacturer VEGESUIKA LABO
    Click here

Skin moisturizing soap made using wild watermelons

  • 野生スイカで作ったお肌しっとりせっけん
  • Raw materials Palm oil, palm kernel oil, castor oil, watermelon extract, sucrose, glycerin, ethanol, water, and sodium hydroxide
    Manufacturer Marubishi sekken
    Click here

Only VEGESUIKA LABO Offers 100% Natural Citrulline.

Why not use natural citrulline from our company as a raw material in health products?

Click here

OEMやシトルリンについてなどお気軽にご連絡ください。電話でお問い合わせの方はこちらの番号まで TEL:0120-145-610

Please feel free to contact us for any questions on OEM and citrulline.


Reach us through email
  • 法人様へシトルリンの原料販売承っております。
  • 商品化事例シトルリンを含んだ商品を紹介します。
  • 株式会社萩原農場スイカ・メロン育種のパイオニアとして業界をリードし、優良品種を育成しています。